Our trademark registration process and services:

  • Choose a lawyer you like

    Nameipo selects high-quality lawyers from around the world. You can contact a lawyer directly and get professional legal consultation services.

  • Real-time tracking of service processes

    With our client, you can access the progress of your trademark registration in real time. Even more convenient What's more, you can leave a message at any time for assistance.

  • Comprehensive search report

    Before registering a trademark, the legal team uses the full trademark database to generate a search report for you. Help you understand the risks of registration.

  • Simple information preparation

    The service team will use our trademark tools to help you complete the trademark application information quickly and accurately.

  • Formal submission of application

    After fully communicating with the lawyer to confirm the information, the lawyer will submit it to the USPTO.Trademark registration application and update acceptance number.

  • Trademark information tracking

    You can check the trademark information we update every day on the client and get timely notifications of important information changes.

Register a trademark